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Blue River Channel Improvements:
53rd to 63rd Street

Contract No: W912DQ-10-C-1032     Contract Amount: $9,630,000     Contract Start: June 2010    Actual Completion: October 2011

Over the past decade, ESI Contracting Corp has completed 4 of the Corps of Engineers Blue River Channel Modification/Improvements projects. Each previous project included the complete re-channelization of the river.  Due to the increased flow caused from the re-channelization of the previous 5 miles of the river, the 53rd Street to 63rd Street reach of the Blue River required the restoration of the channel bottom and the stabilization of the toe of the banks.


Immediately following the award of this project, a 25 year flood event occurred causing significant damage to the existing banks.  With the assistance of Wilson & Company and in conjunction with major design changes from COE, ESI prepared and was awarded 2 major contract modifications.


To promote the re-sedimentation of the river, ESI was tasked with the installation of 6 grade control structures. Between the 6 grade control structures, over 100,000 tons of 42" riprap and rockfill was placed.  Four of the grade control structures received a sheet pile wall across the river. In all, 10,000 square feet of XZ-95 sheet piling was installed for additional strength in the structures.


Additionally, over 1 mile of channel bank was lined with 36" riprap revetment.  Over 100,000 tons of 36" riprap was installed to protect the slopes in these revetments.  The project was closed out with the installation of over 1 mile of permanent access roads, the seeding of all disturbed areas and the installation of live willow pole stakes for bank stabilization.

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