Blue River Channel Modifications:
Brush Creek to 53rd Street
Contract No: W912DQ-08-C-0008 Contract Amount: $20,020,000 Contract Start: December 2007 Actual Completion: July 2011
For this section of the Blue River, ESI Contracting Corp teamed with HDR Engineering to tackle this complex design-build project. This 3,700 lf section of channel included a number of challenges and design enhancements exceeding those in the previous sections. During construction, a large number of pockets of solid waste, trash and tires were discovered resulting in over 100,000 cubic yards of it being taken to proper disposal facilities. Near the up-stream extent of the project, over 350 buried hazardous waste drums were uncovered, all of which were safely and properly disposed of.
To alleviate flooding along this section of the Blue River, the channel was widened, deepened and re-aligned using various water diversion practices. Over 488,000 cubic yards of common excavation came from the channel; 182,000 cubic yards of it being used as in-channel fill for the re-alignment. For slope protection, nearly 110,000 tons of rip-rap and rip-rap bedding have been placed at the toe of the slopes as well as other various sections of the channel. The project has concluded with seeding, mulching and the installation of a 3,700 lf crushed aggregate access road.
Due to the channel being re-aligned, a 900 lf 36” water main required relocation to allow for passage under the Blue River. Several other utility works concluded, including the removal of a 24” ball valve and relocation of a 6” water line.
Some new features added to this section of river were environmental enhancement and mitigation features. ESI Contracting Corp became the first contractor in Kansas City to successfully install features like root wads, RCP lunkers and Newbury Structures. Willow tree pole stakes were harvested and transplanted to the river banks.